C-THAN Receives up to $8 Million in Funding over Five Years - POCTRN
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C-THAN Receives up to $8 Million in Funding over Five Years
The Center for Innovation in Point-of-Care Technologies for HIV/AIDS and Emerging Infectious Diseases at Northwestern University (C-THAN), housed within Northwestern Engineering’s Center for Innovation Global Health Technologies (CIGHT), has received up to $8 million in renewal funding over five years from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Launched in 2018 with a $7.5 million grant, C-THAN supports collaborations between McCormick School of Engineering researchers and university partners in Africa to foster an ecosystem of point-of-care (POC) technology development to better detect and monitor HIV and common fatal comorbidities and complications, including tuberculosis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.